To my amazing 8th graders--
It was genuinely an amazing year and it was such an honor to teach all of you! I can honestly say I will miss your classes and the ridiculously entertaining things that occurred. You have left me with many cherished memories and quotes from our adventures. Your class, more than any other class, taught me so much about teaching and pop-culture. I enjoyed seeing you celebrate promotion or the end of school with your friends and families and wish you all the best over the next few weeks of break. I'm sure I will see you all around town over summer, either at the beach or at new jobs. Enjoy the break from academics, keep reading (yes I know, I said it), and feel free to contact me anytime for help or just to catch up. Seriously. Also, keep in mind I am always looking for classroom helpers next year! Just shoot me an email or stop by anytime to pass on your new wisdom to the next groups of 8th graders or to be put to work. The couch is now yours and I'm always up for helping you complete community service hours. Much love and best luck next year, Ms. Ervin :) |